Getting Started#


npm i -D vite-react-ssg react-router-dom


// package.json
  "scripts": {
-   "build": "vite build"
+   "build": "vite-react-ssg build"
    // If you need ssr when dev
-   "dev": "vite",
+   "dev": "vite-react-ssg dev",

    // OR if you want to use another vite config file
+   "build": "vite-react-ssg build -c another-vite.config.ts"
// src/main.ts
import { ViteReactSSG } from 'vite-react-ssg'
import routes from './App.tsx'

export const createRoot = ViteReactSSG(
  // react-router-dom data routes
  { routes },
  // function to have custom setups
  ({ router, routes, isClient, initialState }) => {
    // do something.
// src/App.tsx
import React from 'react'
import type { RouteRecord } from 'vite-react-ssg'
import './App.css'
import Layout from './Layout'

export const routes: RouteRecord[] = [
    path: '/',
    element: <Layout />,
    entry: 'src/Layout.tsx',
    children: [
        path: 'a',
        lazy: () => import('./pages/a'),
        index: true,
        Component: React.lazy(() => import('./pages/index')),
        path: 'nest/:b',
        lazy: () => {
          const Component = await import('./pages/nest/[b]')
          return { Component }
        // To determine which paths will be pre-rendered
        getStaticPaths: () => ['nest/b1', 'nest/b2'],

Use CSR during development#

Vite React SSG provide SSR (Server-Side Rendering) during development to ensure consistency between development and production as much as possible.

But if you want to use CSR during development, just:

// package.json
  "scripts": {
-   "dev": "vite-react-ssg dev",
+   "dev": "vite",
    "build": "vite-react-ssg build"

Single Page SSG#

For SSG of an index page only (i.e. without react-router-dom); import vite-react-ssg/single-page instead.

// src/main.tsx
import { ViteReactSSG } from 'vite-react-ssg/single-page'
import App from './App.tsx'

export const createRoot = ViteReactSSG(<App />)

That's all!